Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Hard Workers Deserve Fair Pay

I recently read a follow-up article on President Obama's recently started campaign to call for a minimum wage increase on BBC News. President Obama, like myself, deems that hard workers in our nation deserve fair compensation for the hard work that they do each and every day. Every individual deserves the opportunity to fully provide for their family, given that they worked for it.

I have personally witnessed  parents who work jobs with a minimum wage salary and struggle to pay rent, buy groceries, etc. It is truly a heartbreaking sight to see a diligent hard worker not be able to provide the bare necessities for their family. By raising the minimum wage rate from $7.25 to $10.10 an hour, workers will be able to see a difference in the compensation in their paychecks, and will able to provide more for their families.

I felt this article was relevant because many people in our nation face this hardship each and ever day. We may even know people who go through this. With that being said, it is important pay our workers back what they REALLY deserve.

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